24 Aug 2008

Things to do on my summer vacation

When I was a child, my teacher usually encouraged us to have a plan for our summer vacation, but the plan she meant often referred to a plan which helped us do a small part of our boring homework everyday and complete the whole in the end of the vacation.

It was still a mystery that every time when the vacation came, somehow I would be shifted into an unknown time zone where there were not even 24 hours in a day, or how come I only spent some time playing my barbie, forcing my sister to act a student or a maid to play with me, who played a teacher or a princess, taking a nap, watching some cartoons and then it came to bedtime? Therefore, my plans were seldom carried out at the time.

When it came to my adolescence, I was quite materialistic. I naively believed that being on a vacation only meant to take a few days off and go to another country, or at least stayed in a beautiful and expensive resort or hotel in south of Taiwan.

But after some practical and extremely stressful working experience, I was reluctant to admit that in reality, budget, time and my boss's permission played a very big role when I thought about getting a vacation. This also forced me not only to readjust my idea about the way to be on a vacation but also to reinterpret my definition of vacation.

So, if I were an editor of a dictionary, the definition would be something like this - without any geographical limitation and no fancy resort or hotel is required. If you can spend a few days doing nothing or something makes you happy and relax, then you can say you are on a vacation.

Doing nothing absolutely will not be my option since I have known myself for 26 years. I know after the initial thrill of saying goodbye to the life of getting up at six every morning, I will start complaining about being bored very soon. For this reason, this time I am going to be a good student and take my teacher's advice to list the things I want to do during my summer vacation.

1.To bake some triple chocolate brownies on the first day of my vacation
It will be a kind of ceremony, just like the Olympic opening ceremony, to announce my vacation has officially begun. But why brownies? Well, how can people say no to brownies, especially when they are not just brownies? They are triple chocolate brownies! Of course I do care about my weight and I always gain a few pounds easily. But compare to a taste of happiness, it will be a necessary evil that can be neglected. Moreover, if an obese problem can be coped with merely through jogging for extra twenty minutes after having a brownie, then I don't see why I should be panic when I have one. Furthermore, if baking and eating some brownies can bring me good luck to win some brownie points in the future, then why not?

2.To have a movie marathon in a second-run cinema
Second-run cinemas in Taiwan are always top five best places for students to go. No matter you are a student who just needs a place to kill time for skipping a class or you are patient young lovers, you or both of you can always be satisfied when the lights are off.

In a second-run cinemas, you can watch six or even eight movies in the same day and the best part of this "marathon" is you can "cheat". You can always stop and go out for lunch or some coffee to feed your mouth then come back to keep feeding your soul.

I have been nowhere near any cinema since I started my internship which really depresses me. Because I am so behind schedule, my aim is three movies in one day at least but the dream goal will be five which I think I will feel dizzy if I really do that. But I am not worried about it because I can always "cheat."

3.Drinking capacity training
It is said that beer is liquid bread. I love bread and unlike some Taiwanese people, I can have bread for three meals a day. But when bread becomes liquid, it is totally another story.

Don't get me wrong by what I say about getting some drinking training. I don't want to be a drunk. I just think that when I hang out with some friends in a pub, I want to stay conscious at least while most of my friends still are, after all, I love chatting with my friends and I will never want to miss any laughter.

Although I am not very good at drinking beers or any alcoholic drink, practice makes perfect, right? Therefore, I will try to have more beers when I go to a pub and my target is to shorten the time it takes from five seconds to two seconds when I answer some questions, like "how much is one plus one" or only have red ears after having three or four half pints of beer.

4.To do bicycle riding or jogging at least three times a week.
The audience will probably tell me to get off the stage if I want to give them a speech about the advantages of doing exercise. Keeping your body in good shape, becoming healthier, releasing your stress and so on are all cliches that people have already known. But I might have a new discovery.

It rained cats and dogs last Saturday afternoon and I was in my black shorts and blue T-shirt at Chishan MRT station and waiting for my friend to have some coffee together. The ensemble was not tarty at all. Actually, it was quite close to what I will wear to welcome the garbage truck.

After getting ourselves some coffee and a cozy seat, my friend told me that he saw me across the street while I was waiting for him. But he doubted if that was really me. Because he thought the girl's legs seemed too long so that girl couldn't be me. He even asked me if I am taller. I admitted I was quite pleased and I must clarify that the heels I wore that day were not even heels to me.

I had been thinking about every possible reason why I looked taller. The only explanation I could find is I jog more often and start bicycle riding this year which might help keep my body in good shape.

Although I have already got used to be a Hobbit, I still won't mind being taller and I believe that if doing exercise can make a petit woman like me, who is no longer in her adolescence taller, it will be one of the most important discoveries that cheer many short women up.

5. 100 words for my dissertation everyday
Look up the dictionary I edit again. I never say it will not count a vacation if you do a little work during your vacation. Frankly, if I can easily leave my dissertation aside just like that, I should not have any sleeping problem. Besides, 100 words everyday doesn't count work. On the contrary, it may remove my sense of guiltiness when I take a long vacation and even helps me enjoy more about my vacation for my vacation.

I got the idea of this article when I was on my coach back to Hsin-Chu from Taipei on Sunday night. Don't know why after couldn't think of any interesting things to write about for the whole week, the idea just popped out.

I complete this article piece by piece from Monday to Thursday. Although my vacation is going to begin next week and currently I am still trapped in the office in Hsin-Chu and maybe I will be still like a 10-year-old child, who can't carry out her plan for the summer vacation, through writing and thinking about what I am going to do next week is like a warm-up or a "pre-vacation" to me and I just can't wait for my vacation!

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