19 Nov 2008

Love you anyway!

I can't recall the first English single or album I bought. But I surely remember who was the first one that exclusively won my heart and became my first love.

During my junior high, I almost got every single and album that Take That released. It was not easy while I was still a junior high school student who had very limited pocket money. But I still gave them all my heart.

When their new and final single, how deep is your love, released, they ignored my echo which tried to say my love for them was very deep, they still decided to split. (It's ok, Gary, Mark, Howard and Jason. I know it's all because of Robbie! Sorry, Robbie, but a trauma is a trauma. I guess that's the main reason I still don't like you even till now.)

After such a heartbreaking breakup, Boyzone was very very considerate and took good care of me. Then they became my new lover. I supported them not only mentally but physically. For that matter I mean I even went to their first and only gig in Taiwan so far. It was in Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in 1998 and I bought the most expensive ticket which was NT2,000. Under their spell, in the gift shop before the gig started, I even bought a Boyzone hat which was obviously too big for me.

I must confess I am not loyal when it comes to music. I soon found someone else when I went to college. But they all absolutely have a place in my heart. Now Boyzone is on their tour to Taiwan to promote their new single, love you anyway, and gig next year. After spending the whole week without TV in Hsin-Chu, I finally found them in a Taiwanese entertaining program on Youtube. (http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=rKk3LcI0pRg&feature=related)

Although their new single may not cause my attention now, if it were not sung by them. Their dancing seems quite, well, "interesting" in their new music video. And I am also wondering if they can still be called BOYzone... But don't worry, Boyzone. Just like what I said. You will always have a place in my heart. I will love you anyway!!!

11 Nov 2008

What will my wedding and wedding reception be?

Besides eating our own birthday cake, receiving a wedding reception invitation in our own names is also a very obvious way to notice we are getting older. Yesterday was the third time since I have begun to attend not my dad or mum's but my own friend's wedding reception.

When I was a little girl, I was always very excited about attending a wedding reception to congratulate the newlywed with my parents. If you asked me then what kind of wedding I wanted, I would probably answered that except a pumpkin coach, I wanted every fascinating thing that Cinderella had. Yes, it included a delicate pair of glass slippers.

In my adolescence, my dad asked me more often whether I wanted to go to his friend's wedding reception with him when my mum couldn't keep him company. Being a teenager, who would rather spend more time with her friends, I said yes selectively. It depended on if the food would be good or not and if the place of the reception would be beautiful or not.

Attending a reception was like having certain kind of internship for me at that time. I took it as a great chance to learn some experience. I also regarded myself as a wedding reception commentator. I would try to mark everything during the reception and muttered to my dad. My comments and conclusions were usually something like these, "Don't you think the decoration of the whole reception is a little tatty?", "I want to make a short video or a slide show at least about how my husband and I met. What do you think?", "Oh no, the gown doesn't suit the bride. It makes her butt look even bigger.", "Wow! What a gorgeous and elegant gown. Remind me I would have the same one when I get married.", "Where do you think will be perfect for my wedding reception?" or "I am between Chinese and Western style now. It's such a difficult decision!"

Instead of discussing or arguing with me then, now I understand why my dad usually chose to remain silent and merely smiled at my comments and conclusions. Not only because I amused him in a certain way but I think he knew I was still living in a castle with Cinderella at that time and will have totally different ideas about my wedding or wedding reception when I really get married.

After starting to attend my own friends' wedding receptions, I still can't help to continue my amateur job, being a wedding reception commentator. But without my dad being a good listener next to me, I can only murmur to myself now. Because I am wondering if people will be like my dad, who will understand I am just doing it for fun and still wish my friend will live happily ever after from the very bottom of my heart.

When I am getting older and older, my dream wedding and wedding reception become simpler and simpler. Besides a pumpkin coach, I can compromise on not having a pair of glass slippers now.

Although I am still not sure how simple they will be, it's really unnecessary and silly for me to worry about them now. Because just like my mum and dad said, I will have to start from finding myself a nice boyfriend first!

Oh god, my dear Prince Charming, where are you?

4 Nov 2008

Two words in English and four words in Chinese

The songwriter is talented but very lazy I guess. Because the melody of the song is just so simple and even the lyrics basically are only four words for the whole song. But it is still so popular that family and friends will sing it for most of us once a year in front of a cake before candles are blew out.

From the very early morning I could feel my cell phone nudged me and tried to tell me many friends were saying the two words in English and four words in Chinese or even singing the song to me through texts, but they all somehow became a lullaby that I slept incredibly well.

The gentle sunshine sprinkled on my bed when I woke up. There was no need to get out of bed hastily while I reached my cell phone and tried to taste all my sweet texts in bed. When I was informed by those texts that officially I became one year older, instead of being panic I wore my big smile on. Since I could never modify my true age on God's book of age or deceive God in any way, I always believe it's the age of my heart that really matters. Besides, I knew a big smile would always perfectly suit any dress I wanted to wear for the dinner tonight.

Quietly but confidently, I was ready to embrace the day. At the moment, I proudly said the two words in English and four words in Chinese to myself,

"Happy birthday & 生日快樂"