4 Nov 2008

Two words in English and four words in Chinese

The songwriter is talented but very lazy I guess. Because the melody of the song is just so simple and even the lyrics basically are only four words for the whole song. But it is still so popular that family and friends will sing it for most of us once a year in front of a cake before candles are blew out.

From the very early morning I could feel my cell phone nudged me and tried to tell me many friends were saying the two words in English and four words in Chinese or even singing the song to me through texts, but they all somehow became a lullaby that I slept incredibly well.

The gentle sunshine sprinkled on my bed when I woke up. There was no need to get out of bed hastily while I reached my cell phone and tried to taste all my sweet texts in bed. When I was informed by those texts that officially I became one year older, instead of being panic I wore my big smile on. Since I could never modify my true age on God's book of age or deceive God in any way, I always believe it's the age of my heart that really matters. Besides, I knew a big smile would always perfectly suit any dress I wanted to wear for the dinner tonight.

Quietly but confidently, I was ready to embrace the day. At the moment, I proudly said the two words in English and four words in Chinese to myself,

"Happy birthday & 生日快樂"

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